Our world is ever evolving, changing, progressing to newer, better technological alternatives and processes. Being humans we tend to not take well to these big changes we are faced with on a daily basis. Think back a few years to upgrading to a new phone or switching your brand of computer, you probably spend hours, days, maybe even weeks trying to figure out how all of your new technology works. At first we think we will never get the hang of it but over time we adapt and it becomes more like second nature. The same can be said for the interviewing process. Simply stated, it is out of date and not up to speed with our current times which means it is time to transition and evolve. With Pixel Interview, learning this new process of interviewing will not only be easy, it will also save your precious time as well as money for your company. Our company grants you the ability to improve your hiring process and create an overall more engaging and fast hiring process for you and your candidates. To create this more interactive experience, we have some tips on how to get the best response from your candidates simply by reevaluating the questions in your new virtual interview setting.
- It’s imperative that you consider the overall organization and approach of your questions. We suggest 3-5 ‘important’ questions, which will help you keep the interview under 30 minutes which cuts back on long drawn out interviews
- Maybe consider adding in an “ice-breaker” question to help the candidate adjust to the video format of the interview. For example, “So tell us a little about yourself,” or “Why do you want to be a part of our team…” are quick and easy starting questions that any candidate should be prepared for
- When video interviewing, choose one or two important questions that you may jump directly to when evaluating. Then you just have to keep screening people who scored well on those specific questions. Keep in mind that these must-ask questions should never come first (as an ice-breaker) or last but more so in the middle of the interview
- We also recommend utilizing a “anything else” inquiry as your final question. This type of question is open-ended, allowing them to cover any bases they may have overlooked. Because the applicant cannot change the topic of the interview due to them being the questions re pre-set and predetermined. It is critical that each candidate feels they have had the opportunity to completely express themselves.
- Before wrapping up the interview, ask something along the lines of, “Have we missed anything?” or “Is there anything else you’d want to tell us about yourself or past job experiences?”
Here at Pixel Interview, we respect your time as well as the candidate’s time and overall experience by establishing video interviews that allow you to assess prospects better and quicker. You’ll soon be wondering how you ever handled hiring without Pixel Interview. It’s well worth your effort to consider the sequence and kind of questions you may ask; you and applicants will appreciate it.